Punthorst - De gemeente Staphorst, politie en het Bureau Verkeershandhaving Openbaar Ministerie (BVOM)starten vanaf 16 november met de aanpak van snelheidsovertredingen op de JB Kanlaan en de Evenboersweg in Punthorst. ...
To the north are the hamlet of Punthorst and the Staatsbos state woodland in the municipality of Staphorst. South of Nieuwleusen is Dalfsen, a slightly bigger town from which the municipality takes its name. To the west, provincial road ...
To the north are the hamlet of Punthorst and the Staatsbos state woodland in the municipality of Staphorst. South of Nieuwleusen is Dalfsen, a slightly bigger town from which the municipality takes its name. To the west, provincial road ...